Friday, November 2, 2012


Okay. Sorry for the long wait. I really am. I was really busy working at a haunted house and stuff...Yeah. Anyways.

The Butterfly Project:

1. When you feel like you want to cut, take a marker, pen, or sharpies and draw a butterfly on your arm or hand.

2. Name the butterfly after a loved one, or someone that really wants you to get better.

3. You must let the butterfly fade naturally. NO scrubbing it off.

4. If you cut before the butterfly is gone, you’ve killed it. If you dont cut, it lives.

5. If you have more than one butterfly, cutting kills all of them.

6. Another person may draw them on you. These butterflies are extra special. Take good care of them.

7. Even if you don’t cut, feel free to draw a butterfly anyways, to show your support. If you do this, name it after someone you know that cuts or is suffering right now, and tell them. It could help.
That's my big thing right now. I have two. Because I was there once. It doesn't solve anything though. It's...I can't really explain it. It just feels like it helps. But it doesn't. It makes you feel weak. You're the only person you're hurting by doing that. And it sucks because you feel like you're helping yourself and...ugh. It's a bad place to be.
Well. That's all. For now. but remember. Somebody really does care. <3