Sunday, January 20, 2013

A Tribute

Okay, before I get serious into my comedy, I want to take a minute to remember Amy Winehouse. I was just going through my twitter (@awkwardsalad) and I realized that Amy's tweets still come to my phone. Not that there'll be anymore tweets coming from that account, but you know...

Amy was more than just a drug abuser. She was an intelligent lady and she had a beautiful soul. She was strong and talented. People remember her because of all the scandal, but there was so much more to Amy than that. You can hear it in her songs. You can see it in her eyes. There was more to her than the drugs.

Her music really helped me through every bad thing that happened. It continues to help me. I just think that people are remembering her for the wrong reasons and that's why I want to take a minute.

Amy Winehouse's first album, Frank, came out between 2002 and 2003. It has sold over 981,147 copies in the UK and 307,000 in the US.

Back to Black came out in 2006. It has sold over 20 million copies world wide.

She has a DVD and a tribute album, and has sold over 21 million albums over all. I say that's pretty successful.

So please, before you start in on my taste in music, or before you go after Amy Winehouse for drug use, remember. There's more to Amy than the drugs. There's more than anyone ever even knew.

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